Welcome to my Neocities Page, Im a guy on the internet

Hi I'm a guy who loves yapping about the past. I recently discovered Neocities and am really thrilled to build a super cool website ( this basic one will do for now haha ).

I'm hoping to make some video content and share it here in the future, feel free to explore my existing blog and digital camera gallery :)

About Me

I work in I.T and really enjoy learning about the past, more specifcally the early internet and how we used it. Physical media has become a big part of my life and I love collecting and listening to CDs I buy from the thrift store! I'm trying to really expand my knowlege base and building this website is helping that. A couple things i'd like to learn is Game Development, Guitar, Electrical Repair, and some Mechanic Skills.

Currently re-learning all the basics of building a website so if you stumble on this early bear with me lol! Im hoping to make it really cool and put some neat stuff on here but this is all I've got for now, thanks for reading!